  • 订婚了
    Hello, I wanted to thank you for the service you provide. I appreciate what your website has done for me. Last August (2009), I made a trip to Russia and Kazakhstan to meet two women I'd met online. One woman, in Moscow, claimed to be sick and we never met. The other, Raisa, met me at the airport and showed me Karaganda, Karkaralinsk and Astana. My expectations for a relationship were low. I had never been outside the USA so I approached it as an adventure... a great sight-seeing trip to experience new lands and cultures. The two week trip was all of that but more... I returned to Karaganda in December, remaining there for one month. Raisa is an incredible woman! I believe I'm 'stealing' one of Kazakhstan's treasures. Raisa will have her USA visa next month. We're planning a September wedding in San Diego, California. To everyone at dmlogin.com...... Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Raisa & Dave
  • 结婚了

    L, 51 岁.

    Hallo aan de gebruikers van dit netwerk! Mijn gedachte bij het inschrijven hier op de site was een beetje met een sceptische boventoon. Echter nu na een half jaar correspondentie moet ik dit herzien. Mijn vriendin uit Moskou en ik hebben elkaar diverse keren ontmoet in Rusland.De band is zo goed en duidelijk dat we inmiddels zijn getrouwd en samen gaan wonen. Bedankt aan de regie van het netwerk!!

    Здравствуйте самые лучшие менеджеры в «мировой сети»! Мы хотели сказать вам огромное спасибо за вашу работу. Вы помогли встретиться двум незнакомым людям, которые полюбили и решили всю жизнь прожить вместе. Вы делаете потрясающую работу, которая в итоге становится чудом. Сейчас мы с Хейбом женаты и безумно счастливы. Спасибо вам за это чудо!

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    Mahmoud, 44 岁.

    This is a decent site and i have all the respect for all of you that you try to do your best to make this place real. I found a very nice woman,and i don't feel i should stay here anymore,thank you again and may God bless you and give you what you want.
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    Kate, 47 岁.

    We met each other on this site and i am very happy now, i did not expect that he will choose me .First time I did not notice him at all, sometimes wanted to leave him but could not, I do now know even why. We will wait for each other until summer ,I am sure we have WILL. I am very sorry for everything that I made hurt to 2 man from this site, I wish them all the best in their search.

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    paul, 50 岁.
    UK,Newcastle upon Tyne

    i have met the most genuin sincere woman on this site.natasha is from moscow and we have been corresponding for a while .we now talk daily on the phone and write to each other all the time.we intend to meet very soon .i would say to anyone who truly wants to find there soulmate they need look no further than this site.if you are honest and realistic in what you seek you will find her here. many thanks paul and natasha....
  • Santi, 48 岁.
    Spain, Las Palmas

    Now you can apagor my profile on this website. I found a woman, then thank you very much for you and your team. Unfortunately, still not sure I have mixed feelings. I hope all feel good. I'm in love again, and also one is susceptible to bad decisions. I hope, make no mistake, I found the woman of my life. I wish you all the best and the results of many with its members. Thanks for everything.
  • 订婚了

    Larry, 52 岁.
    USA,Panama City, FL

    I joined the site thinking I would at least have a good time talking to the women from Russia, but I would never have thought I'd find myself standing in russia, face to face with the most beautiful russian lady, or any lady, that I have ever met. I'm in love. Elena will be coming to America in July, and we will soon be married. This web site is amazing. Thank You!
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    Tatyana, 39 岁.

    Уважаемая администрация сайта, я еще не нашла мужчину своей мечты, но прочитав отзывы других женщин хочу выразить вам огромную благодарность за вашу работу. Не у всех получается встретить партнера именно на сайте или как говорится по переписке, но если даже одна женщина сможет устроить свою судьбу, то это уже ваш огромный вклад в ее личную жизнь, а возможно и в жизнь других женщин.
  • avatar

    paul, 50 岁.
    UK,Newcastle upon Tyne

    for the moment yes i have met my dream lady from moscow. in the space of 6 weeks we have reached a level where we both know we are meant to be together. we met in moscow a week ago . i thank everyone at your site for your help in finding my natasha. thank you so much.
  • 订婚了

    Ben, 63 岁.


    Tatiana, 40 岁.

    Hi, I was member of your site but found my lady here. After our engagement we decided to remove our profiles from this site. In the mean time we are married (January, 8th). But now we can not share our successtory with others........ Our membernames were Bennl and tanjushka74. Have a nice day.
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    Olga, 40 岁.

    Я, надеюсь, что я нашла свою вторую половинку и я счастлива. Раньше я не верила, что свое счастье возможно встретить таким образом и я рада, что ошибалась. Спасибо вам за создание такого прекрасного сайта. Желаю всем любви и счастья.
  • 订婚了

    Larry, 52 岁.
    USA,Panama City, FL

    I came to this site thinking I'd at least have fun talking to Russian women, but i never thought I'd find myself in russia, talking to this special lady. Elena is fantastic and we have plans to marry when she comes to the states some time in July. Thanks !!!
  • avatar

    fadl, 53 岁.

    Must say that I'm really happy for this game you're provideing here on your website, it's a really good help to find out who is interested and which one is not. If this tool did'nt exist I think it would be much more difficult because it saveing alot of time in the search. Hope you keep on provideing this service and also keep on developing the features inside the game cause it's one of the most great invention I ever seen on a dateing site - I really like your ideas here, it's wonderful to useing it!
  • 26.01.10
    Hello Elena Just want to thank you again for running this website, I have been writing with a unique woman right from the beginning of my membership, everything is just going very nice ahead, all communication just lovely and without any problems at all, I am so lucky and very happy ! Best regards
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    Svetlana, 47 岁.

    Уважаемая администрация сайта! Я очень Вам благодарна за помощь в поиске моего принца. Я его нашла, можно сказать, что он нашел меня, но правильно будет выразиться, что мы нашли друг друга. Спасибо Вам за Вашу работу! Всего Вам доброго!
  • avatar

    Heiko, 48 岁.

    Ihre Seite ist sehr gut. Sie ist real. Ich will nicht sofort heiraten und trotzdem habe ich hier schon viele Freundschaften gefunden. Ich habe auch gelernt, ein grosses Land und seine Menschen besser zu verstehen. Danke.
  • avatar

    Andrea, 56 岁.

    Grazie a questo sito, ho trovato la donna della mia vita, adesso sono veramente felice. Lei si chiama Tatjana, dopo sei mesi di continua comunicazione per via email , ci siamo incontrati nella sua Città e tra poco ci rincontreremo. Abbiamo grandi progetti insieme e siamo veramente felici. Ringrazio nuovamente questo meraviglioso sito che può trasformare i sogni in realtà
  • avatar

    Kevin, 45 岁.
    USA,Kewaunee, WI

    I've been on several different dating sites. By far this site is no. 1. No comparison!!! The professionalism, answering by questions in a timely manner. The way the site is set up, the contests, matching, watching out for the scammers, and etc. 2 thumbs up and highly recommend this site to anyone looking for that special woman and or man. Thank you!
  • 订婚了

    Ole Jacob, 38 岁.


    Natasha, 32 岁.
    Ukraine,Kryvyy Rih

    I found profile Natasha120 and she is a amazing woman and we going to marry each other and live our life together and thanks for your amazing site if it was not for your site i would not find woman of my life. So im happy i found Natasha120 and that she really want to be with me. So thank you for this amazing site.

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    Steve, 42 岁.

    I've found the most beautiful and kind Ukrainian girl. I've already flown out there and we have fallen in love! Amazing! Thank you so much for a no b/s website.
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